Communications Hub
This is where you can find details on known issues, their status, and their resolution, once we go live. This will be updated in real-time based on customer and Brand Ambassador feedback.
Red Aspen is getting a revamp!
Out with the old, and in with the new! We are bringing you a new and improved shopping experience in early 2024 that will aid in our mission to inspire women to stand up, stand out, and stand together by uniting passion with purpose. This sleek, powerful, and user-friendly website will help elevate your business and sales this new year. Below are all of the details you need to know before we make this big transition!
A Letter from Amanda
Table of Contents
Communications Hub
What to Expect
Important Dates
Launch FAQs
Business Rule & Process Changes (with FAQs + videos)
Brand Ambassador Locator
“My Account” Information
Pop Ups
Enrollment / Join / Sponsor
Customer Upgrade to Brand Ambassador
Merch Shop
Drop Shipping to a Customer
Customer Website Accounts
Customer Help Center
Loyalty Box
“My Brand Ambassador” Program & Website Checkout
What to Expect
On our go-live date (calendar to be announced closer to the date) our old Red Aspen website will be taken offline. Your Hub will temporarily be unavailable, and no purchases can be made during this time. Here is what you can expect:
The website will be down for 48 hours.
During this time, the Treehouse will experience updates to reflect new rules and website information. Please only refer to this page until the updates are complete.
All Pop Ups created before Jan. 1, 2023, will be deleted, and no rewards will be provided for these closed links. All rewards still available that were provided before Jan. 1, 2023, will be deleted, as well. Use them before the new site goes live!
All Pop Ups created after Jan. 1, 2023, will transfer over to the new site. The same goes for rewards awarded after Jan. 1, 2023, they will be converted into promo codes in your new website account.
All Loyalty Box subscriptions will be terminated, but have no fear! The subscription process will be much more user-friendly after the updates! More details are below.
Once we go live, visit our new website and log in with your Brand Ambassador email and password!
Not sure what to do before, during the downtime, and after launch?
Check out these graphics for ideas!
Important Dates
The launch will begin at 9 am MT on Wednesday, February 14th!
Launch FAQs
Where will I find my customers after the launch?
All of your customers will still be connected to your account and in your HUB. Please note that upon the launch of our new website, all duplicate accounts and guest accounts will be deleted. Whichever account your customer most recently made a purchase under will be their permanent account. If you have any concerns about the migration of your customer accounts to the new system we highly encourage you to download your customer reports prior to the website transition.
How do I log into the new website?
Visit and click “Brand Ambassador Log In” under “sign in.” From there, enter your email and HUB password to log in to your account.
What does it mean when you say the website will be down?
For 48 hours, the current eCommerce website will no longer be available. You and your customers will not be able to access the website, shop, or submit orders. Your HUB account will also be temporarily unavailable during this time. We will notify you when the new website is live and accessible to you and your customers.
Is anything changing with the Treehouse?
No, our Treehouse (the source of Red Aspen knowledge) will still be the primary source of information for Brand Ambassadors. Please note that we will work to make sure the Treehouse stays up to date with important information, but some training assets may be out of date once the new website launches.
What will happen to my processing and/or active orders while the website is down?
Our Shipping Team will continue to process and ship orders during this time. Tracking may or may not be available, so please be patient during this process.
What will happen to my currently open Pop-Ups and rewards?
If you have Pop Up links or unused/unredeemed rewards that were created before Jan. 1, 2023:
All Pop Up links will deactivate and disappear when we launch the new website.
Rewards that were awarded before Jan. 1 2023, and are unused will disappear.
Brand Ambassadors and customers must close out and use these Pop Up rewards prior to the launch of the new website. Unredeemed rewards will not be honored.
If you have Pop Up links or unused rewards that were created after Jan. 1, 2023:
Your open Pop Up links will transfer to the new website and remain active.
Unused rewards that were generated from a Pop Up created after Jan. 1, 2023, will be converted to promo codes on our new website.
Before launch tips:
Close all Pop Ups created before Jan. 1, 2023, and encourage customers to use their rewards before the new website launches.
Document any available rewards that were converted after Jan. 1, 2023, before the new website launches by taking screenshots of your reward amounts.
What will happen to Loyalty Box subscriptions?
All existing Loyalty Box subscriptions will be deleted when we transition to the new website in order to upgrade the program. All customers and Brand Ambassadors will need to re-enroll in the program. We know, we know - this is a pain! We promise that the end result will be SO WORTH IT to your customers. The user experience is going to be light years ahead of what we have now!
Pre-launch tip: Make sure your customers purchase their Loyalty Boxes before the launch date. You will be notified ahead of time when the new website will launch so you can plan accordingly.
Post-launch tip: Make a plan for how you can educate customers on the re-enroll process which will begin on March 1! More information will be provided post-website launch.
Will I be able to re-enroll in the Loyalty Box when the new website launches?
No. You and your customers will not be able to re-enroll in the Loyalty Box program until March 1. Please communicate this to your customers and plan accordingly.
After the new website launches, where will I access my promo codes?
Pop Up reward promo codes will be accessed from your new website. Your Fast 45 promo codes will still be displayed in the Hub, and you will be able to redeem them on the new website.
Birthday/Anniversary Update: Promo codes will no longer be provided for birthday and Anniversary gifts. Instead, the free gift will automatically appear in checkout when you complete your first order of the month of your Birthday or anniversary.
What happens if the launch does not go as planned?
We do not anticipate any major issues or challenges, however, we do have backup plans in place if problems arise. If technical issues persist with the launch and we are unable to go live after 48 hours, we will re-activate the old website.
How do I properly link my Facebook account to my BA Profile?
In order to connect your profile to your Facebook, you must use your profile name (not your personal name on Facebook). Your profile name can be located at the end of the url, but it’s not the url itself. It is simply the content after the last backslash.
Brand ambassador locator
What’s new?
This is a new function! Customers will now be able to search for Brand Ambassador’s in two ways:
SCENARIO 1: Customers who know a Brand Ambassador will be able to search for them by name or website URL.
SCENARIO 2: Customers who do not know a Brand Ambassador will be able to search for a Brand Ambassador using the new Brand Ambassador locator. The customer will enter a zip code and all Brand Ambassadors in a 50-mile radius will populate on a map (don’t worry- we won’t give anyone your exact address!). Brand Ambassadors that sold 300 PV the month prior will show up in a random assortment on the locator display.
Brand Ambassadors need to select if they would like their email and phone number to populate with their information on the tracker. The default settings do not populate email or phone number unless the Brand Ambassador has turned it on.
The default setting on the Brand Ambassador locator is turned to “on” and if you do not want to show up on the locator you will need to turn it “off.”
“My Account” Information
This tab is on both customer and Brand Ambassador accounts, but the experiences are different. Customers can see their orders and manage their Loyalty Box. Brand Ambassador’s can do the same AND can access their Hub and the Events tab.
What’s New?
This tab allows you to track your personal order history, update your password and information, and access promo codes.
If you are a Brand Ambassador, you’ll be able to customize your website from this tab using the “personalize your site” feature. From here you’ll be able to pick your favorite products that will be featured on your website homepage, choose how you want your name to be displayed and searched for, write a summary about yourself, upload a picture, add your social handles, pick the primary way you want your customers to contact you, and more! Please note that we’ve updated our policies and there are some rules around what you can and can not include in any written copy you add to your website.
Additionally, if you do not want your information to be displayed on the Brand Ambassador Locator, you will make that selection from your account tab.
Please note that Red Aspen will only allow Brand Ambassadors to have one account on the new website. All existing duplicate customer accounts you may have will not be migrated over, but all previous order history from your customer accounts will still be found in your account.
This tab is on both customer and Brand Ambassador accounts.
What’s New?
From this tab you and your customers will be able to manage your Loyalty Boxes. From here you can skip a month, process a box immediately or even add a favorite product to your box (one time - read more about the new functionality in the “Loyalty Box” section below.)
This tab is on Brand Ambassador accounts only.
What’s New?
Your Hub can now be accessed through your new website. Just log into your website and click on your account profile and the option to check your Hub will appear.
Your Hub is now a “tab” within your website rather than “central command.”
Think of your Hub as the place where you go to check your personal sales and team stats rather than a place you go to shop.
What’s the same?
Your Hub still houses all your reporting, volume, rank information, etc.
Brand Ambassadors will still access their Fast 45 promo codes from their Hub.
What’s different?
You will no longer shop through your Hub! That’s right- when a Brand Ambassador logs into their website the site will know that you are a Brand Ambassador and will showcase all the “tabs” you need to run your business (e.g. business supplies, events tab, hub tab, etc.).
This tab is on Brand Ambassador accounts only.
What’s New?
When you are logged into your website you will be able to access the “Events Tab,” which is where you will register for open events and learn all about event opportunities.
What’s New?
You and your customers can now reset their passwords directly from their website without contacting support.
Pop Ups
What do I need to do and/or know about Pop Ups created BEFORE Jan. 1, 2023?
All Pop Ups created before Jan. 1, 2023, will be deleted; no rewards will be provided for these closed links.
All pending rewards still available that were provided before Jan. 1, 2023, will be deleted, as well. A pending Pop Up is when the Pop Up has closed, but rewards have not been redeemed.
What do I need to do and/or know about Pop Ups created AFTER JAN. 1, 2023?
All Pop Ups created after Jan. 1, 2023, will transfer over to the new site. The same goes for pending Pop Up rewards provided after Jan. 1, 2023, they will be converted into Promo Codes in your new website account.
Example: You have an open Pop Up that was opened after Jan. 1, 2023, that you have not yet closed. Red Aspen will migrate this Pop Up over to the new site so your customers can continue to shop.
Example: You opened AND closed a Pop Up after Jan. 1, 2023, and have not yet cashed in the rewards. Those rewards will migrate over to the new site in the form of one single promo code for the entire amount. If you would like, you may split the promo code up into denominations of $50, $100, $200, $300, $400, or $500. Once they have been split, they may not be combined back into larger sums. You may, however, continue splitting the sum into smaller denominations.
Pop ups that have been open for over six months that have zero orders will be closed, even if they were created after 1/1/2023.
Is there anything the Treehouse wants me to know about Pop Ups as we migrate to the new website?
As we prepare to launch the new site we ask that all Brand Ambassadors review their open Pop Ups and close any Pop Ups that are not actively receiving orders.
We never expect issues, but we also highly encourage you to document with screenshots all of your Pop Ups as we transition to the new site.
The Treehouse will maintain a master list of Pop Ups generated from the old website and their corresponding rewards. If your host has questions about a Pop Up that did not migrate over to the new site, please have them contact support.
Customers that hosted/ are hosting a pop up will need to create an account on the new website in order to access their Pop Up reward promo codes when the Pop Up is closed.
What’s new?
Your customers will select a Pop Up at check out, not when they first visit the site.
If a customer clicks on a closed Pop Up link, it will redirect the customer to your Brand Ambassador website.
Brand Ambassadors will no longer use the Hub to place orders for themselves or a customer in a Pop Up. Instead they will use their new website and select their pop up during checkout.
When creating a Loyalty Box order for the first time, it can be put into a Pop Up. Recurring Loyalty Box orders will not be in or connected to a Pop Up.
What’s the same?
Brand Ambassadors will create a Pop Up directly from their Hub.
As always, enrollment (join) orders may not be ordered through a Pop Up or added to a Pop Up after checkout.
What’s different?
Customers are able to join from a pop up link, but once they select and add the join kit to their cart they will be kicked out of the pop up link so that the newly enrolled BA gets the PV. As always, any order containing a business kit can not be moved into a pop up.
What’s new?
*For the time being: Pop Ups can only be closed by Brand Ambassadors, so it will be up to you and your teams to manage both the creation and closure of a Pop Up.
Customer hosts will not be able to see rewards until the party is closed.
Free shipping on Pop Up orders is based on your final cart total after all discounts are applied. Example: your cart subtotal is $107 and you enter a promo code for $100 in free product making your cart total $7. You will pay shipping because your grand total is under $100 ($100 is the free shipping threshold).
Pop up rewards will be rewarded through promo codes on your new website account. All Pop Up reward promo codes will begins with the term "POP" and followed by a series of unique characters.
Pop up promo codes must be used in full at the time of use, and you will forfeit any remaining promo code rewards that are not used (e.g. if you use $75 of a $100 promo code, you will forfeit the remaining $25). Only one code can be used at a time on an order.
Pop Up promo codes will be available through the host’s ‘My Account’ on the website AND will be emailed to the host when the Pop Up is closed. (Originally, we stated the promo code will be emailed, however it will not. It will simply populate in their website account)
Pop Up rewards will expire after six months after the Pop Up has been closed. Please note that all Pop Up rewards migrated over from the old site or will expire six months after the new website launches.
What’s the same?
The reward tiers will remain the same!
Brand Ambassadors still create the pop up link for their hosts and close the link when the host is ready to redeem their rewards.
There’s not a time limit on how long a pop up can be open.
Discounted bundles, sale items, enrollment kits, and loyalty boxes are not eligible to redeem using pop up credit.
Enrollment / Join / Sponsor
What’s new?
When a new Brand Ambassador goes to purchase a kit they can add additional products and/ or a Loyalty Box to their order AND get PV on that order. The cherry on top? The new BA gets free shipping on the entire order because it includes a business kit.
The website will automatically populate the new Brand Ambassador’s URL when they enroll to and will add a number to the end if that URL already exists. The new Brand Ambassador will be able to edit their URL once they log into their new account.
What’s the same?
Shipping is free on all Business Kit orders.
You will still access your team genealogy through your Hub account.
What’s different?
We are removing the “add on kit” option since new Brand Ambassadors can now add whatever product they want to their cart.
What’s new?
Customers will keep their customer ID and password when they upgrade to a Brand Ambassador account.
What’s the same?
New Brand Ambassadors will receive a welcome email with access to their Hub.
If a customer was previously a Brand Ambassador, they will still need to contact the Support team to reinstate their account (email
Share a Cart
What’s new?
Brand Ambassadors can now build and share a cart and send it using a copied link to a customer or post it to their social channels.
Customers can edit the cart that was sent their way and continue to add products.
The link takes the customer directly to a shopping cart that includes all the items recommended by the Brand Ambassador. Carts can include Loyalty Boxes and Business Kits.
What’s new?
Brand Ambassadors and Customers alike can build wishlists and email those links out to their friends, customers, etc.
What’s new?
Products formerly known as “hub only” products will now be available in Red Aspen’s “Merch Shop.” To access the Merch Shop Brand Ambassadors must log into their website. They can access the space from the “Shop” tab.
What’s the same?
Most items in the “Merch Shop” are not eligible for personal volume (PV).
Most items in the “Merch Shop” are not eligible to accrue Pop Up rewards.
You can apply Pop Up Rewards to full priced Merch Shop items.
What’s new?
When a Brand Ambassador is logged into their account they are able to drop ship to their customer at the last stage of checkout by entering the appropriate customer shipping information. Once they ship to the customer, that address will be saved so they can use it for future orders.
We do not suggest that you use the customer's email address when drop shipping on your website because the site will log the Brand Ambassador out of the account and their payment information could accidently be stored on the customer account.
As a solution to drop shipping, we highly recommend building a cart, sending it to your customer, then having them quickly checkout using one of the several payment options we now offer. It’s easier for the Brand Ambassador and saves time, and it ensures that the customer’s information is stored and they have a tracking number for their order.
What’s new?
Customers and Brand Ambassadors can now initiate returns on the website. They no longer need to reach out to support!
Customers DO NOT need to create an account to process a return.
Large-volume returns will be manually reviewed by the support team before they are processed.
Customers can choose to either return their product for a refund or choose to return the product for store credit in the form of a gift card. In either case, the Brand Ambassador’s commissions will be clawed back. When the store credit gift card is redeemed the Brand Ambassador will realize that order as PV. When the customer redeems the gift card, the Brand Ambassador will get PV. Please note that the customer may use their gift card on any Brand Ambassador website, and the PV will be assigned appropriately based on the website the customer shopped on.
What’s the same?
Red Aspen is committed to our 20-day satisfaction promise; nothing is changing there!
Customers can submit a return to the Treehouse which will result in the clawback of commissions.
Customer Website Accounts
What’s new?
Customers can still checkout with or without an account, but we’ve made updates so that all orders are tied together by a single email address, so your customers will no longer have duplicate accounts!
Customers can validate their “Brand Ambassador” preference from their account.
Promo codes and Pop Up reward codes are stored in the customer account.
Customers can access Pop Up promo codes from their account.
Customers can manage their “ship to” addresses from their account.
What’s the same?
Customers can check their order history and returns history from their account (note: the history will populate from the time we move the site over and will not contain historical records.)
Customers can manage their Loyalty Box from their account.
What’s new?
We’ve created a “Customer Help Center” on the new website to help guide customers through any support questions they may have. Please note that the Treehouse is still the primary source of truth and information for Brand Ambassadors.
What to expect when the new site goes up:
All existing Loyalty Box subscriptions will be deleted when we transition to the new website in order to upgrade the program. All customers and Brand Ambassadors will need to re-enroll in the program. We know, we know, this is a pain! But we promise that the result will be SO WORTH IT to your customers. The user experience is going to be lightyears ahead of what we have now!
What’s new?
Managing the Loyalty Box (LB) will now be super easy! You’ll no longer manage your LB from your Hub. Instead, you’ll manage it from the “My Account” tab on your website.
New LBs can be added to regular customer orders and will ship with other items you added to your cart; please note that the additional items in your cart will not be set on a recurring shipment schedule.
New LB orders placed on days 29-31 default to the last day of the month on future orders.
If new LBs are purchased with Priority or Priority Express Shipping, future orders will be shipped First-Class Mail.
Customers can click a new button called “Send Now” that will process a Loyalty Box order for them immediately.
If you click "Send Now", please note that it will update the date that your LB will process on future months. Example: Today is 2/10 and your next Loyalty Box is set to process on 3/1. When you click on "Send Now" it will immediately process your LB, but also update your future shipment to 3/10
Existing Loyalty Box customers can add a few of Red Aspen’s favorite products as a one-time order to their LB cart before it processes. For example, if the customer needs a mascara, they can add it to their LB! Please note that you can’t add a promo code of any kind to a Loyalty Box order, even if it contains a full-price item.
What’s the same?
Since LBs are already discounted, customers can’t apply promo codes to their LB orders.
You can pick your process dates, skip months, and cancel at any time.
Red Aspen will continue to offer a Short and Medium Dash Loyalty Box for $25 each.
What’s different?
When creating a Loyalty Box order for the first time, it can be put into a Pop Up. Recurring Loyalty Box orders will not be in or connected to a Pop Up.
Red Aspen is changing the offering of Loyalty Boxes by going from five LB options to three. The three options will be:
Short Nail Dash Loyalty Box - $25
Medium Nail Dash Loyalty Box - $25
Single Lash Loyalty Box - $15
These three options allow the user to create any option of Dash/Lash combinations they would like.
When a customer with a Loyalty Box joins, their future months' Loyalty Box will follow them to their new account so they get the volume on future subscriptions.
What’s new?
Customers don’t need to know your ID to find you. Instead, they can search for you in the Brand Ambassador locator.
Your profile picture will pop up at checkout.
MULTIPLE PAYMENT OPTIONS!!! The new Red Aspen website now accepts multiple payment options. In addition to credit cards, we now offer Shop Pay (which offers payment installments), PayPal, Google Pay, and Apple Pay (please note that Google and Apple Pay will populate based on the device or web browser that you are using).
What’s different?
All eligible Pop Ups will be shown at the last stage of checkout.
In the Pop Up checkout experience, the host’s name will populate at the last stage of checkout as opposed to the Brand Ambassador's name (but if the host is a Brand Ambassador, their name will still populate).
What’s new?
Red Aspen is excited to announce a huge upgrade and improvement to our “Brand Ambassador for Life” program. On our old website, customer accounts were tied to one Brand Ambassador forever (which seemed great in theory!), but over the last six years, we learned that customers want to be able to support several hosts and Brand Ambassadors, and they would skirt the program by simply creating a duplicate account. Duplicate accounts created numerous order and tracking issues. Plus, there were a lot of unintended consequences of this program. For example, we know that many of you have been in a situation where one Brand Ambassador gets PV on a Pop Up order, while another Brand Ambassador gets the Pop Up rewards. This is a result of the “Brand Ambassador for Life” program. We’re here to say NO MORE; an improvement is here! No more duplicate customer orders! No more lost customers! THE SOLUTION IS HERE: The “My Brand Ambassador” program! Here’s how it works:
Going forward, your customer accounts will be linked to your Brand Ambassador account for future or ongoing purchases from the Corporate website. When your customer enters their email address at checkout, you will automatically show up as their Brand Ambassador!
The purpose of the program is to protect the Brand Ambassador and the customer. Customers are able to designate a main Brand Ambassador to whom they would like their orders attributed to in the event that the customer shops on Red Aspen's Corporate website.
While customers may shop with whomever they choose by shopping on a chosen replicated or Pop Up website, this program ensures Brand Ambassadors and customer accounts remain connected and that volume is attributed accordingly when the customer shops on the Corporate website.
When a first-time customer checks out on a Brand Ambassador’s website, their email will be tied to the Brand Ambassador’s website, and going forward that Brand Ambassador will automatically populate as the customer's main Brand Ambassador.
We needed to find a fair and reasonable way to launch the new website to ensure that every customer has a Brand Ambassador, so as we pull data over the last Brand Ambassador the customer shopped with at the time we cut over to the new website will be designated as “My Brand Ambassador” in the customer’s account.
Maintaining a strong, positive culture at Red Aspen is of paramount importance, and we never want a Brand Ambassador to feel like they’re in competition with other Brand Ambassadors for customers. Therefore, we’re updating our policies so that:
Customers may initiate a change to their designated Brand Ambassador at any time through their account. Brand Ambassadors may not make a request on behalf of the customer to amend their "My Brand Ambassador" selection. The customer must make the change directly in their account. Support will not be able to make the update on behalf of the customer, but is happy to provide instructions to the customer upon request.
Furthermore, Brand Ambassadors may not privately or publicly entice or encourage customers in any way to change their designated Brand Ambassador selection. Brand Ambassadors are not permitted to initiate a conversation with a customer about updating their "My Brand Ambassador" designation. Brand Ambassadors may discuss the mechanics and implications of updating the "My Brand Ambassador" designation with a customer as long as the conversation is initiated by the customer, and so long as the conversation takes place in a private, one-on-one setting.